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Social Mindfulness: Offer and Receive Help

Social Mindfulness: Offer and Receive Help
A Novoresume account is required to start this course
Offering and receiving help are essential social interactions. They often entail complex internal and interpersonal processes. It is therefore crucial for humans to master these processes in order to become socially mindful and be able to thrive in exploring their social bonds. In this Course, you will reflect on your experience offering and receiving help. You will also gain insight on the 3 different internal postures we can adopt when interacting with others and evaluate which one is most appropriate when offering and receiving help. As part of the Practice Tips, you will re-evaluate adults’ value and capability, question yourself before helping, filter requests for help, and practice vulnerability in front of others. You will notice a huge difference in your everyday interactions and you will be able to offer and receive help in a mindful, sustainable, and rewarding manner. This will in turn provide you with closer, more meaningful relationships.